The following mutiple-choice questionnaire has been designed to reveal beliefs on teaching and learning. The implications of some of the choices will be considered at the conclusion of the questionnaire. Please check one or two answers for each question and be advised that none of the choices are considered perfect answers.


1. You have just heard a colleague say : "No more computer activities for me! I've tried and that's it! Sure, students love them, but they're so hard to manage they're going to kill me. I have to think of me first."

Which of the following choicee seem(s) to be most compatible with the way you would react to the above assertion?

a) You feel your colleague is right. Teachers do not get enough help and support to engage in computer activities with students, or, as a matter of fact, in any other activities that require consistent student participation.
b) You understand your colleague's reaction. You feel schools always tend to want to comply to students' desires instead of having them adapt to well-organized and stable teaching frameworks.
c) You understand your colleague's reaction but you think students should not be deprived of opportunities to develop skills such as researching, organizing and sharing information from the net.
d) You strongly disagree as you are thoroughly convinced that teachers should keep informed and should use whatever approach is observed to be most compatible with the constructing of knowledge.

2. Below are four suggestions that a group of teachers put forward as being the knowledge building approach they would favor at all times.

Which of these approaches seem(s) more adequate to you?

a) Lectures, demonstrations, explanations and discussions are most helpful to acquire knowledge and skills in any circumstances.
b) Projects are most useful to engage students in complex learning experiences.
c) Collaboration based activities offer students the possibility to explore the social dimensions of learning.
d) Socratic dialogue (drawing responses from a questioning conversation) is more successful in maintaining student interest and involvement.

3. When asked to describe how appropriate learning should occur, a student teacher wrote the following answer: "Appropriate learning occurs when the teacher has been able to capture student interest and when effort has been extended to understand and master the prescribed subject matter."

Which of the following statements best reflect(s) your appreciation of the above answer?

a) He or she is right in stressing the teacher's concern for motivation but has omitted to consider the knowledge building process as an opportunity for students to experience and reflect on complex real life learning situations.
b) The answer appropriately focuses on student effort to understand the subject matter since sustained student engagement is present day teachers' most important challenge.
c) He or she does not seem to consider learning as requiring free student engagement in choosing among alternatives whereby personal responsibilities can be discussed and understood.
d) The answer is a good brief definition of what learning is, but too little is known about strategies used by teachers to capture interest and support student understanding.

4. To a question that was asked in a workshop having to do with present changes in teaching practices, the facilitator's answer seemed to create quite a stir in the assistance. What the facilitator said can be summarized in the following way:"There is no more place in schools for teachers who still view their role in a traditional way."

Which of the following assertions describe(s) best the extent to which you agree or disagree with the facilitator's words?

a) I believe the role of the teacher does have to change, especially in the area of computer-based activities.
b) I think teaching methods come and go but good teachers do not change much.
c) I think teachers should be consistent with their beliefs and not let progress overrule successful teaching practices.
d) I believe in students and student empowerment, and that in itself is a tremendous shift.

5. If you were to express your opinion on what the curriculum should include, which of the following statements would best reflect your thinking?

a) The curriculum should include language arts, languages and humanities for better comprehension of the world we live in, science, technology and mathenatics for better reasoning and problem-solving and arts for more beauty, creativity and imagination.
b) The curriculum should focus on subjects that provide a basis for culture and literacy and offer a well-balanced distribution of other school subjects bound to prepare students adequately for the job market.
c) The curriculum should concentrate on proper development of skills and competences and thus include broad topics or fields of interest capable of providing suject matter in all areas of culture, arts and natural sciences.
d) The curriculum should insist on the development of skills, attitudes and values and include a framework for teachers and students to select subject matter in accordance with planned knowledgebuilding activities.

6. Teachers discussing ideas on how to value their students' written assignments came up with the following suggestions:

Which of the above is (are) more inspiring to you?

a) Make sure to mark the assignments properly and write positive as well as negative comments on each of them.
b) Let students be given the opportunity to respond to their classmates' work.
c) Favor exhibitions of all kinds, including websites, whereby students' work could be made more meaningful to them.
d) Train students to hand in neatly done assignments and teach them the pride of self-accomplishment

7. If you were given the opportunity to vote for two of the following statements, which one(s) would you select?

a) Education is maximizing intellectual abilities.
b) The essence of education is reflecting on experience.
c) Education should inculcate the child with essential skills and knowledge.
d) Students need a passionate encounter with the world.
e) Assimilation of knowledge and critical thinking go hand in hand.
f) Education is finding your own personal way to truth.
g) Students should live, not prepare for life.
h) Schools ought to bring teachers, students and success together