Theme 7 - Publications

Conference Proceedings

Breuleux, A., Harasim, L. & Booth, K.S. (1998). Toward global learning in Canada: The TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence. In B. B. Andresen, (Ed.), Proceedings of Global Learning in the 21st Century 1998 (pp. 247-252). Copenhagen, Denmark: The Royal Danish School of Educational Studies.


Conference Presentations

Breuleux A. (1998, November). TL•NCE’s contribution to the design of the Global Educator's Network. In L. Harasim (Chair), The Global Educator's Network: A new model for international partnerships. Symposium conducted at the TeleLearning Annual General Meeting, Vancouver.

Laferrière, T., Breuleux, A., Willinsky, J., Shapson, S., Taylor, J., Bracewell, R. J., Woodrow, J., & Beam, M. (1998, November). Educating the educators through telelearning communities: State of the art at home and abroad. Symposium presented at TeleLearning '98 Conference, Vancouver. TL*NCE Theme 7



Project 7.1


Thesis (Doctorates)

Abdous, M. (1998). Le financement des sytèmes de l'éducation: le cas du Maroc. Superviseur: J. Moisset. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Marcos, S. (1998). The introduction of computer networking and activities in K-12 classrooms. (Submitted). Supervisor: A. Breuleux. TL*NCE Project: 7.1


Thesis (Masters)

Blouin, H. (1998). Repenser ses pratiques évaluatives: proposition d’une démarche de renouvellement pédagogique centrée sur l’utilisation du portfolio. Superviseur: T. Laferrière. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

David, K. (1998). Les communautés d’apprentissage: un modèle de formation professionnelle continue. Superviseur: T. Laferrière. TL*NCE Project: 7.1


Peer Reviewed and Other Journals

Bujold, N, Legault, F., & Côté, E. (1997). Mesure de l’engagement par rapport à la matière au secondaire. Mesure et évaluation en éducation, Vol. 19, 1. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Fortier, A., Lavoie, R., & Laferrière, T. (1998). La participation à un forum de discussion durant un stage pratique en enseignement au préscolaire-primaire : Évolution socio-constructiviste d'une pratique pédagogique. Revue de pédagogie universitaire. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997). La formation des maîtres à l'aube du XXIe siècle. Canadian Heritage/Patrimoine Canada : Nouvelles perspectives canadiennes, l'expérience canadienne de l'enseignement des langues officielles, pp. 118-121. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1999, soumis sur invitation). Faire apprendre en réseau. Education Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Large, A., Beheshti, J., & Breuleux, A. (1998). Information seeking in a multimedia environment by primary school students. Library and Information Science, 20 (4), 343-376. TL*NCE Proiect: 7.1; TL*NCE Proiect: 7.3

Minnes Brandes, G., & Erickson, G. (1998). Developing and sustaining a community of inquiry among teachers and teacher educators. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 44 (1), 38-52. TL*NCE Project: 7.1


Book Chapters and/or Contributions

Laferrière, T. (1997). Connaissance et action : Les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication et la démocratisation de la production des connaissances. In C. Baudoux and M. Anadon (dir.), La recherche en éducation, la personne et le changement, pp. 267-280. Les cahiers du LABRAPS, Université Laval (une collaboration France-Québec), Ste-Foy, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997). Le déplacement de l'attention vers l'apprenante et l'apprenant, utopie ou nouvelle réalité professionnelle? In M. Kaszap, D. Jeffrey et G. Lemire, La science parle en français: Exploration d'Internet, recherches en éducation et rôles des professionnels de l'enseignement. Publications du CREFPE, Université Laval. Ste-Foy, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997). Rechercher l'équilibre au sein des environnements d'apprentissage intégrant les technologies de l'information : Préparer les futurs choix. Toronto : Conseil des Ministres de l'Éducation du Canada. Also available: . TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997). Towards Well-Balanced Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments: Preparing the Ground for Choices Ahead. Publications of the Council of Ministers of Education (Canada) (http://WWW.CMEC.CA/reports/infoteche.stm ). TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997). TransFormation: Vers un mode d'apprentissage en collaboration pour les personnels scolaires, nouvelles pratiques. In L.P. Boucher and M. l'Hostie, Eds., Le développement professionnel continu en éducation. Les Presses de l'Université du Québec. Ste-Foy, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Rhéaume, J., & Laferrière, T. (soumis). Les technologies de l'information et des communications: La formation des enseignants et les ressources disponibles. In R. Guir, éd. La formation des enseignants et des formateurs aux usages et aux nouvelles pratiques des technologies de l'information et des réseaux. Bruxelles: De Boeck Université. TL*NCE Project: 7.1



Girard, A. & Laberge, C. (1998). Infoduc, le répertoire Internet de l'education. Septembre Média, 3nd Edition. TL*NCE Project: 7.1


Conference Presentations

Abdous, M., Laferrière, T. (1998, March). Scénario d’animation de communauté virtuelle. Paper presentation at Colloque Annuel des Technologies de l’Information pour l’Apprentissage. Laval University, Quebec, Ca. [Available online . TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Abdous, M., Benoit, J., Breuleux, A., Jean, C., Turcotte, S., & Laferrière, T. (1998, November). The Telelearning Professional Development School (Tl*PDS) Activities. Demo presented at TeleLearning '98 Conference, Vancouver. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Badali, S. (1997). Perspectives on Learning to Teach: The roles of seconded teachers in a preservice teacher education program. Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE). St.-Johns', Canada, June 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Breuleux, A. & Laferrière, T. (1997, Octobre). Facteurs d'interconnexion au sein des communautés d'apprentissage en formation. Communication présentée lors du XI ième Colloque du Conseil interinstitutionnel pour la technologie éducative (CIPTE), Université, milieu scolaire et entreprises: partenaires de la technologie éducative. Montréal, Ca. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Breuleux, A., Laferrière, T. & Bracewell, R. (1998, March). Networked Learning Communities in Teacher Education. 9th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (S.I.T.E.), Washington, DC. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Breuleux A., & Laferrière, T. (1998, October). TeleLearning Professional Development Schools. Paper presentation at the First International Conference on Global Learning in the 21st Century. Copenhagen, Denmark. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Darling, L., Mitchell, J. and Erickson, G. (1998, May). The evolution of a Participationist Community for Teacher Education: Conceptions, Structures, and Practices. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, Ontario. TLNCE Project: 7.1; TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Erickson, G. (1997, April). TeleLearning P.D.S.: A Virtual Community of Communication and Support for Pre-Service Teachers. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Erickson, G., Laferrière, T., Legault, F., & Breuleux, A. (1998). TeleLearning: Teacher Education in Networked Communities of Learners. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, Ontario. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Hoban, G. and Erickson, G. (1998). Frameworks for Sustaining Professional Learning. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Australasian Science Education Research Association, Darwin, N.T. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Klawe, M., Laferrière, T., & Scardamalia, M. (1996, October). Learners and Technology: What is the connection? TPI-II. Vernon, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1995, Octobre). Réseau de recherche en télé-apprentissage/TeleLearning Research Network et formation des maîtres. Communication au 10ème colloque du CIPTE, La technologie éducative en réseau: réseaux informatiques, réseaux humains. Montréal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Mai). Le projet TACT: expérience de mise en réseau au bénéfice de la formation des maîtres, ACFAS, Montréal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Juin). Educating the Educators : NCE TeleLearning, conférencière invitée, Canadian Association of Deans of Education / Association francophone des doyens et directeurs de département d'éducation du Canada (CADE/AFDEC), Université Brock, St-Catherines. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Juin). La formation à l'enseignement pour le 21è siècle, Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'éducation, Université Brock, St-Catherines. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Septembre). Y aurait-il trop de facultés et de départements d’éducation au Québec: Sur quelles bases se poser la question? Panel, Colloque du Réseau international de recherche en éducation et en formation (REF 96), L’éducation en question. Montréal. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, October). A Vision of Students in the XXIst Century. Technology Planning Institute II (TPI-II). Silver Star, British Columbia, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Novembre). Problématique générale - Rencontre sur l'intégration des TIC. Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec (CREPUQ). Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, January). Technology in Teaching: Networks and Multimedia/La technologie dans l'enseignement : réseaux informatiques et multimédias. Education Ontario '97 : New Directions. Ottawa, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., Willinsky, J., Gervais, F., Laberge, C. & Legault, F. (1997, March). Patterns of Connection and Community. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. [Available online]. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, Mai). Le déplacement de l'attention vers l'apprenante et l'apprenant : utopie ou nouvelle réalité professionnelle?. Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences (ACFAS). Montreal, Ca. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Abdous, M. (1997, Mai). Les pratiques pédagogiques à l'ère du télé-apprentissage: le cas de l'Université Laval. Colloquium of the Association internationale de pédagogie universitaire (AIPU) and the Colloquium on higher education at ACFAS. Montreal, Canada, May 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, June). Educating the Educators: TeleLearning research. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Université Memorial. St-John’s, NF, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, June). Information and Communication Technologies and Pedagogy. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Université Memorial. St-John's, NF, Canada, TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, June). Standards of Practice in a Valid Framework For Teacher Professional Learning. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Université Memorial. St-John's, NF, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, June). Education and the community: vers le 21e siècle / Éducation et société: vers le 21e siècle. Plenary Session (President). Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation /Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Memorial University, St-John's, NF. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, Octobre). Intégration pédagogique des NTIC: Pour une vision de la formation du personnel. Rencontre annuelle de l'Association des institutions d'enseignement secondaire (AIES), Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., Breuleux, A., Tardif, J. & Henry, J. (1997, Octobre). Intégration pédagogique des NTIC: Pour une vision de la formation du personnel. Annual Meeting of the Association des institutions d'enseignement secondaire (AIES). Sherbrooke, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Bracey, B. (1997, October). Toward a Community of Practice. TPI-III. Vernon, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, Octobre). La gestion des ressources humaines à l'ère des réseaux. Association québécoise des personnels de direction des écoles AQPDE, Québec, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, November). Collaborative Teaching in Cyberspace. WebNet World Conference 97 (WWW, Internet and Intranet). Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, November). TeleLearning in Society: TeleLearning and the Professional development community. TeleLearning ‘97. Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, November). The Learner Perspective. Tel-Ed Web-Extended Program, Strand 3: The Learner Perspective. Tel-Ed Symposium, The Sixth International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia in Education (ISTE). Austin, TX, USA. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Breuleux, A. (1997, December). TeleLearning: Interconnected Learning Communities. Poster presented at the Second International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Toronto. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Breuleux, A. (1998, March). Educating the Educators: Collaborative knowledge-building and networked learning. Fifteenth International Conference on Technology and Education. Santa Fe: NM. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Breuleux, A. (1998, March). TACT: The knowledge-building web of a Telelearning community of support and communication for professional development. Fifteenth International Conference on Technology and Education. Santa Fe: NM. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1998, March). La supervision de thèse à l'heure des réseaux de chercheurs et l'émergence des nouvelles technologies en éducation. Forum Éducation et développement, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1998, March). L’utilisation des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication dans le milieu de travail et à l’école. 23e Congrès international annuel sur les troubles d’apprentissage, AQUETA, Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Breuleux, T. (1998, May). The TeleLearning Professional Development School: A Model for Collaborative Knowledge-Building. SRI, Menlo Park, CA. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., Breuleux, A., Willinsky, J., Wolfson, L., Legault, F., Bracewell, R. J. (1998, April). TeleLearning: Knowledge-Building in Networked Communities and the Shaping of Teachers' Professional knowledge. Interactive symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego. TL*NCE Project: 7.1; TL*NCE Project: 7.2; TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Laferrière, T. (1998, October). Educando os Educadores Canadenses: Sete ambientes interligados em rede para a aprendizagem colaborativa. Congresso Ibero-Americano de Informatica na Educaao. UNESCO / RIBIE. Brasilia, Brasil. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Meyer, K. & Erickson, G. (1997, June). Student Actions and the Construction of Scientific Knowledge: The Demise of Scientific Process Skills. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, St. John's, Newfoundland. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Meyer, K., Woodruff, E. and Erickson, G. Yoon, S. & Haskell, J. (1998, April). Inter-Group Discourse Over the Web: Students, Communities, and Science. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Montgomery, C., & Legault, F. (1997, mai). Préconceptions des étudiants à l'entrée des programmes de formation des maîtres à l'Université Laval. Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences (ACFAS). Trois-Rivières, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Montgomery, C., & Legault, F. (1997, Juillet). Représentations du bon enseignant par des étudiantes et des étudiants en formation des maîtres. XVe Conference of Association internationale de pédagogie universitaire (AIPU). Liège, Belgium. TL*NCE Project: 7.1


Keynote Addresses

Breuleux, A. (1998, March). Teaching and learning in the 21st century; The learning imperatives of the digital world. Invited address at the 23rd International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Montreal (broadcast through videoconferencing across Canada). TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1995, Novembre). L'intégration des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication: un saut quantique pour les pédagogues? Société de gestion du réseau informatique des commissions scolaires (GRICS). L'informatique et l'éducation, un défi collectif. Montréal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, June). Conférence d'ouverture, "Inet va à l'école!", congrès Inet'96, première conférence francophone. Internet Society Conference, Internet: Inventer aujourd'hui la société de demain / The Internet: Transforming our society now. Montréal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, mars). Réaliser la mission éducative, celle de libérer l'humain. Keynote address at the Colloque annuel de l'Association québécoise des utilisateurs de l'ordinateur au primaire et au secondaire (AQUOPS). Quebec, Canada. Disponible sur leur site web ( ). TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, March). Pourquoi cultiver la relation pédagogique à l'heure des réseaux?, Annual Conference on Information and Communication Technologies/Colloque annuel sur les technologies de l'information et de la communication (CANTIC), Université Laval. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, September). Towards Well-Balanced Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments: Preparing the Ground for Choices Ahead. Presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Ministers of Education (Canada), Saskatoon. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, October). Interconnected learning communities: A technical or a social challenge? Technology Planning Institute III (TPI-III), Silver Star, BC. TL*NCE Project: 7.1


Conference Proceedings

Blatter, J., Bolla-Paquet, C., Breuleux , A., Bordeleau, P., Winer, L., Vasquez-Abad, J., Legendre, M.-F., Viens, J., Armand, F., Carani, G. (1998). Building bridges: Creating collaborative practices between researchers and practitioners around an electronic maieutic project in the classroom. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Atlanta: GA. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Breuleux, A. (1997). Planning for Technology-Supported Learning Communities. In L. S. Anderson (President), Hands across the border: Technology planning partners in multiple nations. Tel-Ed Symposium, The Sixth International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia in Education (ISTE). Austin, Tx., USA, November 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997). A Six-Phase Tentative General Model of Professional Development. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Education, Changing Practices and technologies: Decisions now for the future, (pp. 556-558). The International Conferences on Technology and Education. Arlington, TX, USA. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997). Sur l’autoroute de l’information et des communications, y a-t-il des laissez-passer francophones? Perspectives proposées suite à la lecture des mémoires. Cahier de participation, Forum sur l’éducation de langue française, la force des liens favorisera-t-elle l’éducation de langue française? Publications de l’Association canadienne d’éducation de langue française (ACELF). Québec, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997). Developing an Internet-Enabled Network of Professional Development Schools. In J.E. Willis, J.D. Price, S. McNeil, B. Robin and D.A. Willis, Technology and Teacher Education Annual, Vol. I, pp. 368-370. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Charlottesville, VA, USA. (Also available on CD-ROM). TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Breuleux, A. (1998). TACT: The knowledge-building web of a Telelearning community of support and communication for professional development. In A Worlwide Network of Learning. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Technology and Education, (pp. 424-426). The International Conferences on Technology and Education Inc. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Breuleux, A., Laferrière, T., & Bracewell, R. J. (1998). Networked learning communities in teacher education. In S. McNeil, J. D. Price, S. Boger-Mehall, B. Robin, J. Willis (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE ‘98, the 9th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Available at: TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Large, A., Beheshti, J. & Breuleux, A. (1998). Interface navigation by grade-six students: a case study of three multimedia CD-ROM products. In E.G. Toms, D.G. Campbell & J. Dunn, (Eds.) Information Science at the Dawn of the Next Millenium: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science (289-302). Toronto: CAIS. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Montgomery, C., & Legault, F. (1997). Conceptions du bon enseignant chez des étudiantes et des étudiants nouvellement inscrits en formation des maîtres. Actes du colloque de l'Association internationale de pédagogie universitaire. TL*NCE Project: 7.1


Workshops, Tutorials, Colloquia, Lectures and Seminars

Abdous, M., & Laferrière, T. (1996) Le Centre électronique des ressources éducationnelles . Ateliers au colloque annuel de l'Association québecoise du personnel de direction des écoles, octobre. Autres ateliers en cours d'année au sein du Réseau des écoles associées à l'Université Laval (écoles de la Commission scolaire Des Découvreurs et écoles de la Commission scolaire Des Ilets, Québec, Qué., Canada, TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Arcand, D. (1997, Octobre). De l'autoroute de l'information à l'autoroute de l'apprentissage. Colloque Réseaulument branchés, Association québecoise du personnel de direction des écoles. Quebec City, Canada, October 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Arcand, D., Hamel, D., & Gagnon, M. (1997, Mars). L'apprentissage coopératif et l'exploitation de scénarios pédagogiques reliés aux TIC. Association québecoise des utilisateurs de l'ordinateur au primaire et au secondaire (AQUOPS). Quebec City, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Breuleux, A., Gross, D., Bures, E. and Abrami, P. (1997, November). Introducing technology planning guide. PAPT/PACT, Teachers Convention, Montreal. Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Breuleux, A., Viens, J., & Laferrière, T. (1998, Avril). Les TIC en formation des maîtres et en formation continue, bilan des pratiques actuelles et des programmes offerts dans les universités. Workshop conducted at the annual meeting of AQUOPS (Association québécoise des utilisateurs d'ordinateurs au primaire et au secondaire), Quebec City. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Giguère, M., & Grégoire, G. (1996). Deux modèles d'implantation des TIC au secondaire. Inform@tic/dir.branchés, Association québécoise du personnel de direction des écoles (AQPDE). Quebec City, Canada, November 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Grenier, F., & Baillargeon, B. (1997). Atelier et échanges sur l'implication des élèves dans le dossier des tic à l'école (Projet BEETIC). Colloque Réseaulument branchés, Association québecoise du personnel de direction des écoles. Quebec City, Canada, October 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Harris-Nulman, L., & Breuleux, A. (1998, November). The one computer classroom; Come and experience IT. Workshop conducted at the annual PAPT-PACT Teachers' Convention, Montreal. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laberge, C., & Desbiens, M. (1997, Mars). Outils d'apprentissage de recherche et d'écriture. Association québecoise des utilisateurs de l'ordinateur au primaire et au secondaire (AQUOPS). Quebec City, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laberge, C., & Desbiens, M. (1997, Mars). Un camp de jour technologique. Association québecoise des utilisateurs de l'ordinateur au primaire et au secondaire (AQUOPS). Quebec City, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. & Abdous, M. (1996). TeleLearning in higher education. Direction of Continuing Education, Laval U, 10/96; 05/97; Faculty of Agriculture, Laval U, 11/96; Société GRICS/Faculties of Education, Montreal, 04/97; Department of Mathematics, Laval U, 05/97; Faculty of Pharmacy, Laval U, 05/97. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Février). Les possibilités pédagogiques au sein d'une classe branchée. Direction régionale Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches du ministère de l'Éducation, Ste-Foy, Que., Ca. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Février). Encadrer avec TACT, rencontre du Groupe professoral pour l'étude de la pédagogie appliquée (GÉPÉPA), Université Laval, Qué., Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Février). Networking in Professional Development schools, rencontre de représentant-e-s du monde de l'éducation de la région métropolitaine de Toronto, OISE. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Avril). Internet a-t-il sa place dans la bibliothèque, Panel Sésame...Ouvre-toi!, Congrès de l'Association du personnel des services documentaires scolaires (APSDS), Québec, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Avril). Atelier K-16 Information Technology in the Knowledge Age, 3rd International Partnership Conference, Business and Education Working Together, The Conference Board of Canada, Toronto. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Avril). Vidéo-conférence L'intégration des NTIC et ses exigences pédagogiques, Journée sur les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, Rimouski, Qué., Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Mai). Communication Pour les amants de la pédagogie, Polyvalente de St-Georges-de-Beauce. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., Gervais, T. (1996, June). A University-School Collaboration Model. Eastcast Conference, Université Brock, St-Catherines, ON., Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Août). L'université : les facteurs d'une entrée réussie dans l'ère nouvelle. Rencontre des administrateurs, Université Laval, Qué., Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996, Novembre). Les écoles associées et les TIC. Inform@tic/dir.branchés, Association québécoise du personnel de direction des écoles (AQPDE). Québec City, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Abdous, T. (1997, Mai). Association canadienne d'éducation de langue française (ACELF). Quebec City, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, May). Learning to Search and Create Cooperatively / Apprendre à chercher et à créer en collaboration. The 26th Annual Workshop on Instruction in Library Use, Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, Octobre). La gestion des ressources humaines à l'heure des réseaux. Colloque Réseaulument branchés, Association québecoise du personnel de direction des écoles. Quebec City, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1997, Octobre). Le développement professionnel des pédagogues intégrant les TIC en réseau avec l'Université Laval. Colloque Réseaulument branchés, Association québecoise du personnel de direction des écoles. Quebec City, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1998, Avril). Le construit de communauté d'apprentissage en réseau. Département de médecine sociale, Université Laval. Québec, Qué., Ca. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., Moisan, P., & Bourassa, F. (1998, July). Computer-supported pedagogy / L’application de la technologie dans la pédagogie. Workshop at the annual congress of the Canadian Education Association / Association canadienne d’éducation (ACE) et de l'Association canadienne des commissions et conseils scolaires (ACCCS). TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Legault, F. (1996). Developing University-School collaborations for pre-service teacher education (9 seminars at different schools in the Quebec-Chaudière-Appalaches Region, Quebec), Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Legault, F. (1997). New realities in classroom management (11 seminars at different schools in the Quebec-Chaudière-Appalaches Region, Quebec), Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Legault, F. (1998). How we can help pre-service teachers build collective knowledge about computer-supported-collaboration (15 seminars at different schools in the Quebec-Chaudière-Appalaches Region, Quebec), Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Tanguay, V., & Laferrière, T. (1997). Pour une école branchée. Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the Association des institutions d'enseignement secondaire (AIES). Sherbrooke, Canada, October 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Tardif, N., St-Pierre, L., & Bergeron, G. (1997). L'informatique à l'école: des exemples concrets au primaire et au secondaire (Projet PROTIC). Colloque Réseaulument branchés, Association québecoise du personnel de direction des écoles. Quebec City, Canada, October 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Tétrault, G. (1996). Brigade d'élèves experts en technologie de l'information et des communiations (BEETIC). Inform@tic/dir.branchés, Association québécoise du personnel de direction des écoles (AQPDE). Quebec City, Canada, November 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Viens, J. & Breuleux, A. (1998, Avril). Les TIC en formation des maîtres et en formation continue, quoi faire pour mieux répondre aux besoins du milieu. Workshop conducted at the annual meeting of AQUOPS (Association québécoise des utilisateurs d'ordinateurs au primaire et au secondaire), Quebec City. TL*NCE Project: 7.4; TL*NCE Project: 7.1



Abdous, M., Laferrière, T., Leborgne, Y., Poussart, D., & El Zaim, A. (1997). Pour une école branchée : un outil d’aide à l’intégration des technologies de l’information et des communications dans l’école. Report submitted to Secrétariat de l'autoroute de l'information du Québec. [Available online]. Summary, signed by the Ministre de la Culture et des Communications and by the Ministre de l’Éducation, and distributed to the 4 500 Quebec school principals. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Bracewell, R. J., Breuleux, A., Laferrière, T., Benoit, J., & Abdous, M. (1998, December). The emerging contribution of online resources and tools to classroom learning and teaching. Report submitted to SchoolNet/Rescol by TeleLearning Network Inc. [Available online]. TL*NCE Project: 7.3; TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Henchey, N., Breuleux, A., Laferrière, T., Bracewell, R., & Laferrière, T. (1996). Vision statement of Learners in the XXIst century / Représentations des apprenantes et des apprenants à l’entrée dans le XXIe siècle ", Rescol/SchoolNet, Industrie Canada, ( ). TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1996). Texte d'ouverture, Rescol, Un lien entre les jeunes et le monde, premier bulletin Rescol acheminé dans les écoles francophones du Canada. Rescol Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., & Équipe. (1996, November). TACT (Télé-apprentissage communautaire et transformatif); (1997). TACT (Technology for Advanced Collaborative Teaching among Teachers). Professional Development Web-site (PDW) in ongoing progress First Demo Prize, First TeleLearning Conference, Montreal, Que, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1998). Apprendre sur les TIC et enseigner avec ... Revue Edu-Média, 3, 2, 1-3. Disponible aussi en ligne: TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T. (1998). De l'échange de billes à l'échange de bits. Rescol hors ligne, bulletin d'information à l’'ntention des enseignants, distribué dans Nouvelles CEQ. Industrie Canada, aut. 97. Disponible aussi en ligne: TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Laferrière, T., Legault, F., Gervais, F. & Hamel, D. (1998). Pédagogie de projet et gestion de classe. Rescol hors ligne, bulletin d’information à l’intention des enseignants, distribué dans Nouvelles CEQ. Industrie Canada, aut. 97. Disponible aussi en ligne: TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Réginald Grégoire inc., Bracewell, R., & Laferrière, T. (1996). The contribution of new technologies to learning and teaching in elementary and secondary schools. Report submitted to SchoolNet/Rescol by TeleLearning Network Inc. [Available on line] TL*NCE Project: 7.3; TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Réginald Laferrière Inc., & Laferrière, T. (1997). A series of texts on the learning community (French/English) TL*NCE Project: 7.1

Réginald Grégoire inc., & Laferrière, T. (1998, Septembre). Apprendre ensemble par projet avec l'ordinateur en réseau. Guide à l'intention des enseignants et des enseignantes, [Available online]. TL*NCE Project: 7.1



Project 7.2


Peer Reviewed and Other Journals

Willinsky, J. & Wolfson, L. (In Print). The Situated Learning of Information Technology Management. Journal of Research on Computing and Teaching. TL*NCE Project: 7.2

Wolfson, L., & Willinsky, J. (1998). Situated learning in high school Information Technology Management. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 31(1), 96-110. TL*NCE Project: 7.2

Wolfson, L., & Willinsky, J. (1998). What service-learning can learn from situated learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 5, 22-31. TL*NCE Project: 7.2


Book Chapters and/or Contributions

Willinsky, J. (1998). Learning enough to help others with ITM and Studio A. In T. Owen. & R. Owston (Eds.). The learning highway: Smart students and the net (pp. 149-154). Toronto, ON: Key Porter. TL*NCE Project: 7.2

Willinsky, J. (In press). Tempering the masculinities of technology. In Nancy Lesko (Ed.), Masculinity in the high school. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. TL*NCE Project: 7.2

Willinsky, J. (In press). The Social Sciences as information technology: The political economy of theoretical practices. In P. Trifonas (Ed.), Revolutionary pedagogies: Cultural politics, education, and the discourse of theory. New York: Routledge. TL*NCE Project: 7.2

Willinsky, J., & Forssman, V. (In press). A tale of two cultures and a technology: A/musical politics of curriculum in four acts. In C. Cornbleth (Ed.), Curriculum, politics, policy: Cases in context. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. TL*NCE Project: 7.2

Willinsky, J. & Forssman, V. (In press). Hey, Have We Got a Good Idea for Your Computers Classes. In C. Cornbleth, Curriculum Politics Policy: Cases in Context. State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, USA. TL*NCE Project 7.2



Willinsky, J. (1999). Technologies of knowing: A proposal for the human sciences. Boston: Beacon. TL*NCE Project: 7.2


Conference Presentations

Willinsky, J. (1996, April). Tempering the Masculinities of Technology: ITM and Gender. American Educational Research Association, New York. TL*NCE Project: 7.2.

Willinsky, J. (1997, March). Information Technology Management. American Educational Research Association, Chicago TL*NCE Project: 7.2.



Wolfson, L. (1998). Learning by Helping: A curriculum Guide for Service Learning and Community Service. Vancouver: Knowledge Architecture. TL*NCE Project: 7.2



Project 7.3


Peer Reviewed and Other Journals

Bracewell, R. J. (1999). Objects of study in situated literacy: The role of representation in moving from data to explanation. Written Communication, 16 (1), 76-92. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Large, A., Beheshti, J., & Breuleux, A. (1998). Information seeking in a multimedia environment by primary school students. Library and Information Science, 20 (4), 343-376. TL*NCE Proiect: 7.1; TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Large, A., Beheshti, J., Breuleux, A., & Renaud, A. (In Print). The effect of animation in enhancing descriptive and procedural texts in a multimedia learning environment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science. TL*NCE Project: 7.3


Conference Presentations

Bracewell, R. J., Le Maistre, C., Laferriere, T., & Breuleux, A. (1996, November). Teachers' Evolving Perspective On Computers In The Classroom. TeleLearning ‘96. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Bracewell, R.J., LeMaistre, C. & Breuleux, A. (1997, February). The Teacher's Role In Using Computers In The Classroom. New Frontiers: Education and Information Age. Montreal, Canada, February 1997. TL*NCE Project : 7.3

Bracewell, R. J., LeMaistre, C. & Breuleux, A. (1997, March). Patterns of Connection and Community. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, USA, March 1997. (Also available at .html ). TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Bracewell, R. J., & LeMaistre, C. (1997, September). The Changes Teachers Have To Make To Incorporate Technology Successfully Into Their Classrooms. Faculty of Education Advisory Board. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Bracewell, R. J., Le Maistre, C., & Breuleux, A. (1997, November). The role of the teacher in opening worlds of learning with technology. Paper presented at the second annual TeleLearning-Network of Centres of Excellence Conference, Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Bracewell, R. J., & Le Maistre, C. (1997, December). Technology in the classroom: Implications for how teachers assess student learning. Paper presented at the second conference on Computer Support for Cooperative Learning, Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Bracewell, R. J. (1998, April). Objects of study in situated literacy: The role of representation in moving from data to explanation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A., & Martin, C. L. (1996, February). Technology Planning: Building capacity for change. Calgary City Teachers Convention. Calgary, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A., & Fournier, H. (1996, Mai). La production hypermedia : migration vers de nouvelles conduites socio-cognitives. ACFAS, McGill University. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. (1996, Mai). Synthèse du colloque sur L'impact des NTIC sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. ACFAS, McGill University. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A., Martin, C. L., & Silva, M. (1996, June). Migrating to New Literacies: Web magazine production by high-school students in French immersion. INET'96. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. (1997, Décembre). L’expérience canadienne du TeleLearning et de Rescol. Colloque Mise à distance de l’enseignement à travers l’Internet et les produits multimédia. Sophia Antipolis, France. TL*NCE Project 7.3

Breuleux, A., Laferrière, T. & Bracewell, R. (1998, March). Networked Learning Communities in Teacher Education. 9th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (S.I.T.E.), Washington, DC. TLNCE Project: 7.1; TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. (1998, March). Learning technologies and learning disabilities in the workplace and at school. Panel at the 23rd International Conference on Learning Disabilities, Montreal (broadcast through videoconferencing across Canada). TLNCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A., Bracewell, R.J., & LeMaistre, K. (1998, May). La connaissance de l'enseignante dans les environnements de téléapprentissage. In A. Breuleux (Chair), Communautés apprenantes , savoirs et nouvelles technologies. Symposium conducted at ACFAS, Laval University. TL*NCE Project 7.3

Laferrière, T. (1997, November). TeleLearning at Work, and in Work. TeleLearning ‘97. Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Laferrière, T., Breuleux, A., Willinsky, J., Wolfson, L., Legault, F., Bracewell, R. J. (1998, April). TeleLearning: Knowledge-Building in Networked Communities and the Shaping of Teachers' Professional knowledge. Interactive symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego. TL*NCE Project: 7.1; TL*NCE Project: 7.2; TL*NCE Project: 7.3

LeMaistre, C., Bracewell, R. J., & Breuleux, A. (1997, February). The teachers' Role in Using Computers in the Classroom. New Frontiers: Education and Information Age. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Wakeham, S., Silva, M., Bracewell, R., & LeMaistre, K. (1998, May). Are you Getting my Email? Northern Reflections on On-Line Learning. Poster presentation at Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Wakeham, S. (1998, November). Studying teachers’ Computer Decisions . Poster presentation at TeleLearning '98 Conference, Vancouver. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Wakeham, S., Silva, M., Bracewell, R., & LeMaistre, K. (1998, May). Are you Getting my Email? Northern Reflections on On-Line Learning. Poster presentation at Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Wakeham, S., Silva, M., Bracewell, R., & LeMaistre, K. (1998, November). Northern Teachers Online Learning: Results from a Pilot Project. Poster presentation at TeleLearning ‘98 Conference, Vancouver, BC. (awarded 2nd prize in poster competition). TL*NCE Project: 7.3


Keynote Addresses

Bracewell, R. J. (1998, February). Teachers’ experiences in the use of new technologies. Invited presentation , Conference on Comunidades de Aprendizaje : Un Reto para la Universidad del Siglo XXI. University of Mexico, Mexico City. (Keynote address). TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. (1997, Octobre). Apprendre et enseigner au XXIè siècle. Keynote address at the Annual Meeting of the Association des institutions d'enseignement secondaire (AIES). Sherbrooke, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3


Workshops, Tutorials, Colloquia, Lectures and Seminars

Bracewell, R., Laferrière, T., & Breuleux, A. (1998, November). The emerging contribution of online resources and tools. Telelearning Workshop on Setting Canada's Research Agenda. TL*NCE Project: 7.3.

Breuleux, A. (1996, Mai). The Circulation of Learning: Collaborative knowledge construction on the Internet. Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the Quebec Association of Applied Educational Technology, The Power to Change; Linking Technology and Learning. Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. (1996, June). The Circulation of Learning: Collaborative knowledge construction on the Internet. K-12 Pre-conference workshop at the INET'96. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A., Martin, C. L., & Silva, M. (1996, June). Le developpement d'une communauté discursive francophone sur l'Internet. K-12 Pre-Conference Workshop - INET'96. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A., Gross, D., Harris-Nulman, L., & Wakeham, S. (1996, November). Technology Planning for Improved Student Learning. Workshop at the PACT/PAPT Teachers Convention. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. (1997, Février). La circulation de l’apprentissage : la construction coopérative des connaissances de l’enfant sur l’Internet /The circulation of learning: Collaborative knowledge construction on the Internet. Workshop at the Conference of the New Frontiers: Education in the Information Age. Montreal and Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. (1997, February). Planifier l'usage de la technologie : Créer des espaces de changement. Workshop at the Conference of the New Frontiers: Education in the Information Age. Montreal and Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. (1997, November). The Circulation of Learning. Lecture - Department of Education, Concordia University. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3

Breuleux, A. & Harris-Nulman, L. (1997, November). Integrating Technology: What does it mean? Workshop at the PAPT/PACT Teachers Convention. Montreal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.3



Project 7.4


Thesis (Masters)

Eichorn, D. (1997). A Study of the Application of the TESSI Model in Biology. Supervisor: J. Woodrow. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Falcou, L. (1996). Implications of NTIC in School and Society. Supervisor: M. Giardina. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Mottet, M. (1996). Elaboration of the Analysis and Evaluation Methodology for Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems. Supervisor: M. Giardina. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Sasseville, R. (1996). Design, Development and Evaluation of CBT Imagino. Supervisor: P. Marton. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Savard, I. (1996). Evaluation of CBT Cognitivo. Supervisor: P. Marton. TL*NCE Project: 7.4


Peer Reviewed and Other Journals

Mayer-Smith, J. A., Pedretti, E. G., & Woodrow, J. E. J., Embracing Technology to Transform Science Teaching and Learning. Journal of Staff Development, 19 (1), 26-30. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Predretti, E. G., Mayer-Smith, J. A., & Woodrow, J. E. J. (In Print). Students’ Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in a Technology Enhanced Secondary Science Classroom. Science Education. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Pedretti, E. G., Mayer-Smith, J. A., & Woodrow, J. E. J. (In Print). Teaming Technology Enhanced Instruction in the Science Classroom and Teacher Professional Development. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, J. E. J. (In Print). Technology Enhanced Instruction: A Perspective from Experience. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. TL*NCE Project: 7.4


Book Chapters and/or Contributions

Rhéaume, J. (1997). Les hypertextes et les hypermédias. In La science parle en français: Exploration d'Internet, recherches en éducation et rôles des professionnels de l'enseignement, édité par M. Kaszap, D. Jeffrey & G. Lemire, pp: 75-84. Ste-Foy: CREFPE. TL*NCE Project: 7.4



Brien, R. (1997). Science cognitive et formation. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 3rd Edition. TL*NCE Projet: 7.4


Conference Presentations

Eichorn, D. & Krause, A. (1997, May). Applying the TESSI Model in Biology. Catalyst - BC Science Teacher Annual Conference. Delta, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Eichorn, D. & Krause, A. (1997, May). The TESSI Model. New Frontiers: Education in the Information Age. Vancouver, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Farenholtz, A. (1997). The TESSI Model. New Frontiers: Education in the Information Age. Montreal, Canada, February 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Giardina, M. (1997). Integracion pedagogica de la Nuevas Tecnologia de la Informacion y de la Comunicacion: elaboracion de un sistema interactivo de modelizacion a distancia del aprentiz, para un diagnostico mas personal durante su proceso de aprentizaje: De la formation des futurs enseignants: Exploration de nouvelles approches et pratiques pédagogiques au sein du "Telelearning". International Pedagogia 97 Conference. La Havana, Cuba, 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Giardina, M. (1997). SAPID - How to Integrate Intelligent Personalized Advisory Strategies in a Tele-Diagnostic System. WebNet ‘97. Toronto, Canada, November 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Marton, P. (1996, Mai). Camité - TeleLearning. First International Forum on Multimedia and Distance Learning - Université de Sophia Antipolis. Nice, France. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Mayer-Smith, J., Pedretti, E. & Woodrow, J. (1997, March). Learning from Teaching with Technology: An examination of how teachersí experiences in a culture of collaboration inform technology implementation. AERA 97, Chicago, IL, March 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Mayer-Smith, J., Pedretti, E. & Woodrow, J. (1997, June). Exploring How Teacher Experiences with Technology Enhanced Science Instruction Inform and Influence Technology Implementation. XXV CSSE Annual Conference. St. John, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Pedretti, E., Mayer-Smith, J. & Woodrow, J. (1997, March). Technology, Text and Talk: Students’ perspectives on teaching and learning in a technology enhanced secondary science classroom. National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Chicago, IL, USA. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Rhéaume, J. (1995, Octobre). Hypertextes et médias multiples pour l’apprentissage: les nouveaux enjeux de la mise en réseau. 10ème colloque du CIPTE, La technologie éducative en réseau: réseaux informatiques, réseaux humains. Montréal, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.1; TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Rhéaume, J. (1996, Mai). Hypertextes et télé-apprentissage: des acquis aux innovations. Colloque Hypermédias et apprentissages. Chatenay-Malabry, France. [Disponible en ligne . TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Rhéaume, J. (1997, Octobre). Intégration de la technologie éducative à la formation des maîtres. 11ème colloque du CIPTE, Université, milieu scolaire et entreprises: partenaires de la technologie éducative. Montréal, Canada. [Disponible en ligne . TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Spann, G. (1997, May). The TESSI Model. New Frontiers: Education in the Information Age. Edmonton, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Westrom, M., & Pankratz, T. (1997, June). Creating Collaborative Communities Online. NAU/Web Conference - University of Arizona. Phoenix, AR, USA. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, J. (1997, February). The TESSI Model. New Frontiers: Education in the Information Age. Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, J. (1997, March). The TESSI Model. Vancouver Science Mini-Conference. Vancouver, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, J. (1997, April). Integrating Information Technology into Science Education - the TESSI approach. Resources ‘97. Richmond, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, J. (1997, November). TEI Professional Development TeleLearning '97 Conference, Toronto, ON, 1997, TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, J., Mayer-Smith, J. & Pedretti, E. (1997, March). A Professional Development CD-ROM based Program in Technology Enhanced Instruction. AERA ‘97. Chicago, IL, USA. TL*NCE Project: 7.4


Keynote Addresses

Woodrow, J. (1997, November) Technology Enhanced Instruction - A Model that Works. Keynote address of Sci-Tech 97 - "Partners for Tomorrow" Toronto, ON, Ca. TL*NCE Project: 7.4


Conference Proceedings

Brien, R. & Larin G. (1996). Le projet CAMITE pour la formation des maîtres: utilisation du logiciel Cognitivo. Actes du Colloque du Congrès de l'ACFAS, McGill University. Montreal, Canada, 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Brien, R., Marton, P., M, C, Savard, I. & Roy, J. (1996). Cognitivo: Un système multimédia interactif multiforme. Actes du Colloque du CIPTE. Montreal, Canada, 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Giardina, M. & Ambassa, J. (1996). L'apprentissage coopératif virtuel dans les environnements socio-technologiques: conditions optimales et caractéristiques propres. Actes du XX Colloque du CIPTE, Université du Québec à Montréal, pp.15. Montreal, Canada, 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Giardina, M. & Brisebois, A. (1996). La modelisation de l'apprenant, analyse des diverses composantes pour l'élaboration d'un métamodèle. Actes du XX Colloque du CIPTE, Université du Québec à Montréal, pp. 17. Montreal, Canada, 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, Janice E. J., Mayer Smith, J. A., & Pedretti, E. G., (1997). Technology Enhanced Instruction: A Successful Model for Improving Science Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of the Ed-Media-Telecom 97. Calgary, Canada, June 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, Janice E. J., & Spann, G. (1997). A Multimedia, Professional Development Program in Technology Enhanced Instruction. Proceedings of the Ed-Media-Telecom 97. Calgary, Canada, June 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.4


Workshops, Tutorials, Colloquia, Lectures and Seminars

Farenholtz, A., Spann, G., & Woodrow, J. TEPI Technologies and Pedagogy - Stage 1 Workshop, TEPI Professional Development Project, Langley, B. C., July. 1997, TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Farenholtz, A., Spann, G., & Woodrow, J. TEPI Technologies and Pedagogy - Stage 2 Workshop, TEPI Professional Development Project, Langley, B. C.,Oct. 1997, TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Giardina, M., Brien, R. & Marton, P. (1997). TeleLearning 7.4: le système aviseur personnalisé intelligent à distance. XI Colloque du CIPTE. Montreal, Canada, October 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Giardina, M., Marton, P. & Perusse, P. (1997). Fondements pédagogiques et nouvelles pratiques en technologie éducative. Colloque - 65e congrès de l’ACFAS. Trois-Rivières, Canada, May 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Marton, P. (1996). Camité - TeleLearning. Colloquium on the NTIC in Education - University of Regina. Saskatchewan, Canada, April 19. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Marton, P. (1996). Camité - TeleLearning. Third SAPI Colloquium - Université Laval. Ste. Foy, Canada, April 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.4

Woodrow, J., Farenholtz, A., Spann, G. & Eichorn, D. (1997). Technology Enhanced Instruction - the TESSI Model Workshop Mexico-Canada Secundaria Education Project, Vancouver, BC, April 14-28, 1997. TL*NCE Project 7.4

Woodrow, J., Farenholtz, A., Spann, G. & Eichorn, D. (1997). Implementing the TESSI model in Mexico. Workshop Mexico-Canada Secundaria Education Project, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Nov. 27 - Dec. 15, 1997. TL*NCE Project 7.4

Woodrow, J., Farenholtz, A., Spann, G., & Shim, J. (1997). TESSI in Action Workshop Chilean Professional Development Project, Vancouver, Oct. 1997, TL*NCE Project 7.4

Woodrow, J., TESSI: Technology Enhanced Secondary Science Instruction Workshop, Toronto and Etobicoke School Boards, Etobicoke, ON, Nov. 12 1997, TL*NCE Project 7.4



Project 7.5


Book Chapters and/or Contributions

Scardamalia, M., & Bereiter, C. (in press). Schools as knowledge building organizations. In D. Keating & C. Hertzman (Eds.), Todays children, tomorrows society: The developmental health and wealth of nations. New York: Guilford. TL*NCE Project: 7.5


Conference Presentations

Bracewell, R.J., Breuleux A., Laferrière, T., & Lamon, M. (1998, August). Cultivating Knowledge About Learning Through Networked Communities of Teachers. Symposium conducted at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA. [ Available on line . TL*NCE Project: 7.3; TL*NCE Project: 7.1; TL*NCE Project: 7.5

Brett, C., Woodruff, E., & Nason, R. (1997, March). Communities of Inquiry among Preservice Teachers and Elementary Students Investigating Mathematics. Paper presented at the Symposium: Socio-Cognitive Design Issues for Interactive Learning Environments Across Diverse Knowledge Building Communities. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. TL*NCE Project: 7.5

Lamon, M., Caswell, B., Scardamalia, M., & Chandra, N. (1997, August). Computer-supported Collaborative Learning: Advancements and Challenges. Paper presented at the meeting of the 7th European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Athens, Greece. TL*NCE Project: 7.5

Lamon, M., Caswell, B., Scardamalia, M., & Chandra, N. (1997, August). Technologies of use and social interaction in classroom knowledge building communities. In K. Lonka (Chair), Computer-supported collaborative learning advancements and challenges. Symposium at the 7th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Athens, Greece. TL*NCE Project: 7.5

Lamon, M., Caswell, B. & Reeve, R. (1998, April). Working Together: Teacher-Researcher collaboration for knowledge-building. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA. TL*NCE Project: 7.5

McAuley, A. (1998, November). Telementoring and professional growth: Towards meeting needs of eastern artic educators. Poster presentation at the TeleLearning-NCE Third Annual Meeting & Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. TL*NCE Project: 7.5

Nason, R., Brett, C., & Woodruff, E. (1996). Effects of computer-mediated communities of discourse among pre-service elementary teachers. Presented at the annual meeting of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (Queensland Branch), University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. TL*NCE Project: 7.5

Nason, R., Woodruff, E., & Brett, C. (1996). Creating and maintaining knowledge-building communities of practice during mathematical investigations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia. Brisbane, Australia. TL*NCE Project: 7.5


Workshops, Tutorials, Colloquia, Lectures and Seminars

Tumblin, E. & McAuley, A. (1997, June). Student Constructed Learning Environments. Invited presentation at the Best Practices in Education Workshop, Bloomington, Indiana. TL*NCE Project: 7.5



Project 7.6


Peer Reviewed and Other Journals

Taylor, J. (1996). The Continental Classroom: Teaching Labour Studies On-Line. Labor Studies Journal, 21(1), Spring. TL*NCE Project: 7.6


Book Chapters and/or Contributions

Taylor, J. (1996). The Solidarity Network: Universities, Computer-Mediated Communication, and Labor Studies in Canada. In Teresa M. Harrison and Timothy Stephen (Eds), Computer Networking and Scholarly Communication in the Twenty-First-Century University. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.6


Conference Presentations

Taylor, J. (1997, April). Computer-mediated Labour Education. Canadian Labour Education and Research Association Conference. Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J., & Briton, B. (1996, June). TeleLearning: Implications for Labour Education and Adult Education. Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education Annual Conference. Winnipeg, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J. (1997, June). Computer Networks and Labour Education. Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education. St. John, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J. (1997, July). Labour Education Online. Standing Committee on Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults Conference. University of London, Egham. Surrey, United Kingdom. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J. (1997, October). From the Internationals to the Internet: Canadian Labour Education in the Twentieth Century. Australian Society for the Study of Labour History Conference. Perth, Australia. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J. (1997, November). Developing Successful TeleLearning Strategies for Adult Educators. TeleLearning ‘97. Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.6


Conference Proceedings

Taylor, J., & Briton, D. (1996). TeleLearning: Implications for Labour Education and Adult Education. Proceedings of the Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education Annual Conference. Winnipeg, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J, & Briton, D. (1998). The Political Constraints and Pedagogical Possibilities of Computer-based Labour Education. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Distance Education Conference, Banff, Alberta, May 1998. TL*NCE Project: 7.6


Workshops, Tutorials, Colloquia, Lectures and Seminars

Belanger, M. (1997). Using Computer Communications in the Labour Movement. Seminar, International Training Centre of the International Labor Organisation, Turin, Italy, February 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Belanger, M. (1997). Using Computer Communications in the Labour Movement. Seminar, International Training Centre of the International Labor Organisation, Turin, Italy, June 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Belanger, M. (1997). Moderating labour computer conferences. Trades Union Congress Workshop, London, United Kingdom, December 1997. TL*NCE Project: 7.6.

Belanger, M. (1999). Using Computer Communications in the Labour Movement. Seminar, International Training Centre of the International Labor Organisation, Turin, Italy, January 1999. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Briton, D. (1999). Workers & Technology: Employers or Employees? Research Seminar Series, Athabasca University, February, 1999. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J. (1996). Distance Education and Labour Education. Canadian Auto Workers Education Conference, Port Elgin, Ontario, February 1996. TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J. (1997). From the Internationals to the Internet: Canadian Labour Education in the Twentieth Century. Department of Sociology in Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, February 1997 (Visiting Scholar Lecture). TL*NCE Project: 7.6

Taylor, J. (1998). Distance Education and Union-based Learning. Training Directors Meeting, National Training Programme, United Food and Commercial Workers, Winnipeg, December 1998. TL*NCE Project: 7.6



Project 7.8

Peer Reviewed and Other Journals

Owston, R.D. (1997). The World Wide Web: A technology to enhance teaching and learning? Educational Researcher, 26 (2), 27-33. TL*NCE Project: 7.8



Owen, T., & Owston, R. D. (1998). The Learning Highway: Smart students on the Internet. Toronto: Key Porter. TL*NCE Project: 7.8

Owston, R.D. (1998). Making the Link: Teacher professional development on the Internet. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Books. TL*NCE Project: 7.8


Conference Presentations

Owston, R. D. (1997, November). Designing Teacher Education Web Sites that Work! International Society for Technology in Education's Tel Ed '97 Conference. Austin, TX, USA. TL*NCE Project: 7.8

Owston, R. D., & Owen T. (1997, November). A Pedagogy of Technology for Teacher Education. International Society for Technology in Education's Tel Ed '97 Conference. Austin, TX, USA. TL*NCE Project: 7.8

Owston, R. D., & Wideman, H. H. (1998, November). Successful strategies for evaluating web-based courses. A paper presented at the Tel Ed '98 Annual Conference, New Orleans. TL*NCE Project: 7.8

Wideman, H. H. (1997, June). A Case Study of Writers in Electronic Residence: Student and teacher experiences. Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. St. John's, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.8

Wideman, H. H. (1997, November). Education on the Net. Association for the Advancement of Educational Computing's World Conference of the Web Society, WebNet '97. Toronto, Canada. TL*NCE Project: 7.8

Wideman, H. H. (1997, November). Fostering Authentic Student Writing Through Online Conferencing With Professional Authors. International Society for Technology in Education's Tel Ed '97 Conference. Austin, TX, USA. TL*NCE Project: 7.8

Wideman, H. H., & Owston, R.D. (1998, November). Strategies for Evaluating Web-based Courses: A Case Study. A paper presented at the WebNet '98 Conference, Orlando. TL*NCE Project: 7.8



Owston, R. D, & Wideman, H. H. (1998, December). Teacher factors that contribute to implementation success in telelearning networks (Centre for the Study of Computers in Education Technical Report 98-3). Toronto, ON: York University Faculty of Education. [Available online]. TL*NCE Project: 7.8

Tardif, N. et collaborateurs (1997). Cadre de référence du programme de formation au secondaire axé sur les technologies de l'information et de la communication de l'École Les Compagnons-de-Cartier (PROTIC, ). Services Éducatifs, C.S. Des Découvreurs, Ste-Foy, Québec, Ca. TL*NCE Project: 7.8